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Alternative to high-end pc gaming: PCSXR emulator

/ 2 min read


  • I do not take any responsibility for links to external sites and services. If you follow them, you are on your own.
  • In order to prevent legal issues when using an emulator you must own the BIOS of the console as well as the game you want to emulate.

In times like these, where GPUs are virtually non-existent in the consumer market for a reasonable price, some still might want to play a game here and there. If it does not have to be the newest AAA-title on the market, and you enjoy old (playstation) games too, PCSXR emulator might come to the rescue!

I still have some old playstation games (and the playstation), packed in a box however. Even though there’s no time to play games currently, I wanted to give it a try. The hardware requirements are very low, and it most likely doesn’t matter which OS you are running as the software is available on Linux (Ubuntu), Windows, and even macOS (see here). Luckily, I still have an old USB-controller lying around and one game on my list that I wanted to play with since long time. I tested it on Ubuntu and it immediately worked.

To avoid any unforeseen (legal) trouble, I will not explain how or where to download the images for the games. After downloading the image, all you have to do is opening the image file with the emulator, it will boot the game automatically. This might be a good opportunity to pass some time playing some old game from the childhood again, instead of buying overpriced PC hardware or a console.

If it interests you, the game of my choice was Vagrant Story. Never managed to finish it, but I may… one day!